Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today's Mushroom Finds Plus Dinner!

Today I went for a little stroll where I had found the agaricus campestrises yesterday, just to see if I could find any more. I ended up having a very lucky mushroom hunt! Here is everything I came home with:

The two mushrooms on the top left are more agaricus bisporus, the one on the top right is a puffball mushroom. I wasn't sure exactly what the bottom one was at first, but now I think it is a shaggy mane mushroom, or coprinus comatus.

Here is a picture of the bottom one cut open:

As you can see, the mushroom is pure white. It didn't seem to bruise any particular colour when I cut it either. It has very dense soft almost squishy gills that are free from the stem. The centre of the stem is also hollow. My research so far indicates that this must be coprinus comatus, but I am currently taking a spore print just to be sure. If it is, the spore print will be black. I'm hoping it is because this is apparently a delicious edible mushroom!

After todays adventure plus the two giant shrooms from yesterday, I had a ton of mushrooms. I didn't really want to do much to them because mushrooms are my favourite food and I just want to taste that, nothing else. Look at my beautiful bowl of mushrooms!

I just took all these and sliced them up into fairly fat slices. My sliced puffball and agaricus pile:

All I did after this was throw them all into a pot with a very generous amount of butter, 1 large clove of garlic finely diced and some salt and pepper. The mushrooms cooked down and left a delicious sauce in the bottom of the pan. I ate this plain with a crusty white bun to dip in the sauce. I almost forgot to take a picture I scarfed it down so fast!

I know it sounds a bit boring, but I was feeling pretty lazy today. So lazy, in fact, that I ate this straight out of the pot, as you can see. It was delicious nonetheless.

That's all I have to say for today. I hope I made your mouth water!

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